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Spicy Ginger Roasted Chicken

6 chicken breasts (~ 6 oz. each)
¼ c. fresh ginger, finely diced
1 T. hot sauce
4 green onions, finely chopped
1 tsp. ground nutmeg
juice of 2 limes
1 T. soy sauce
1 T. sesame oil

Mix together all ingredients except chicken, marinate chicken overnight, drain chicken discarding marinade, then roast or grill until done.  Serve with papaya coconut cream.
Papaya Coconut Cream

3 c. coconut milk
5 allspice berries
3 garlic cloves
3 scallions
3 thyme sprigs
½ tomato seeded and one quarter, diced
½ papaya seeded and one quarter, diced

Reduce coconut milk by half.  Add allspice berries, garlic, scallions, thyme sprigs – cook 10 mins.  Slip thyme leaves off stems and remove stems.  Add tomato and papaya, return to simmer, serve warm.  (Note:  the most time consuming part of this recipe is reducing the coconut milk, which can be done ahead and should be done slowly to avoid separation.  If the milk does separate, it can be re-emulsified in a blender before proceeding to add other ingredients.) 

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